爱尔兰福音派团体反对援助死亡, 担心会恶化自杀率。 Evangelical group in Ireland opposes assisted dying, fearing it could worsen suicide rates.
爱尔兰福音派联盟(EAI)担心爱尔兰可能跟随联合王国带头使协助死亡的人合法化。 The Evangelical Alliance Ireland (EAI) is concerned that Ireland may follow the UK's lead in legalizing assisted dying. 英国议会最近批准允许协助死亡,爱尔兰议会的一份报告建议采取类似立法。 The UK Parliament recently approved allowing assisted dying, and a report by Ireland's Oireachtas recommended similar legislation. EAI认为,这类法律可能会加剧爱尔兰的自杀问题,降低人的生命价值。 The EAI argues that such laws could worsen Ireland's suicide problem and devalue human life. 她们倡导保护生命和提高其质量,并与其他团体一道反对受援助的濒临死亡立法。 They advocate for preserving life and improving its quality, and join other groups in opposing assisted dying legislation.