Justin Welby大主教反对联合王国协助制定临终立法,并提到对弱势个人的关切。 Archbishop Justin Welby opposes UK assisted dying legislation, citing concern for vulnerable individuals.
坎特伯雷大主教贾斯汀·韦尔比 (Justin Welby) 反对英国即将出台的辅助死亡立法,警告称“滑坡”可能会迫使弱势群体结束自己的生命。 Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has opposed upcoming assisted dying legislation in the UK, warning of a "slippery slope" that may pressure vulnerable individuals into ending their lives. 该法案由劳动党议员Kim Leadbeater提出,旨在向临终病人提供临终选择,同时确保医疗保障。 The bill, introduced by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, seeks to provide terminally ill patients with end-of-life choices while ensuring medical safeguards. 虽然公众对协助死亡的公众支持程度很高,但Welby强调,除了绝症以外,人们对其更广泛的影响感到关切。 Although public support for assisted dying is high, Welby highlights concerns about its broader implications beyond terminal illness.