来自沈州18号飞行任务的中国宇航员自从太空返回后首次举行新闻发布会。 Chinese astronauts from Shenzhou-18 mission hold first press conference since returning from space.
来自沈州18号飞行任务的三名中国宇航员于1月8日在北京参加记者招待会,这是他们自两个月前从太空回来以来第一次公开交流。 The three Chinese astronauts from the Shenzhou-18 mission appeared in a press conference in Beijing on January 8th, marking their first public interaction since returning from space two months ago. 这一活动使公众深入了解他们的空间旅程和成就,突出介绍中国在空间探索方面取得的进展。 This event provides the public with insights into their space journey and achievements, highlighting China's progress in space exploration.