中国在维护西藏主要旅游点波塔拉宫的30年时间里花费了117亿元。 China spent $117M over 30 years preserving the Potala Palace, a key tourist site in Tibet.
30年来,中国政府花费近8亿元维护波塔拉宫, The Chinese government has spent nearly 800 million yuan over 30 years preserving the Potala Palace, a World Heritage site in Xizang. 资金已经用于修复主结构、恢复金屋顶、监测大楼结构以及保存古老的书籍和文件。 Funding has gone towards repairing the main structure, restoring the golden roof, monitoring the building's structure, and preserving ancient books and documents. 第七世纪的宫殿是一个重要的旅游景点,自2014年以来接待了超过1 400万游客。 The 7th-century palace is a major tourist attraction, having welcomed over 14 million visitors since 2014.