一名巴瑟斯特男子在 Set for Life 彩票中赢得了 480 万美元,这是他今年的第二次大赢家。 A Bathurst man won $4.8 million in the Set for Life lottery, his second big win this year.
来自澳大利亚巴瑟斯特的一个人 在《人生彩票套餐》中赢得了480万美元 A man from Bathurst, Australia, won $4.8 million in the Set for Life lottery. 他从News N More Bathurst购买了一张QuickPick的票,在与洛特联系之前,他不知道他的胜利。 He bought a QuickPick ticket from News N More Bathurst and was unaware of his win until contacted by The Lott. 尽管有意外收益,他仍计划继续工作,20年来每月将领取20 000美元。 Despite the windfall, he plans to keep working and will receive $20,000 monthly for 20 years. 这是他在2024年的第二大赢家, 在9月的奥兹·洛托大中奖1500万美元之后。 This is his second major win in 2024, following a $15 million Oz Lotto jackpot in September.