两位长期的澳大利亚朋友在40年的共享票后, 在彩票中赢得100 000美元。 Two long-time Australian friends won $100,000 in a lottery after 40 years of shared tickets.
来自澳洲纽卡斯尔的两位朋友分享彩票已有40年之久, 在幸运彩票超级彩票第10899号中共赢得了10万美元。 Two friends from Newcastle, Australia, who have shared lottery tickets for 40 years, won a combined $100,000 in the Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot draw 10899. 一位朋友在本地报纸上读到一个神秘赢家后, 发现了他们的胜利。 One friend discovered their win after reading about a mystery winner in a local newspaper. 获胜者最初遭到了朋友的怀疑,但庆祝了他们的财富。 The winners, initially met with disbelief from friends, celebrated their fortune. 这张票是在NewsXpress珠宝店购买的,店主表示兴奋。 The ticket was bought at newsXpress Jewells, and the store owner expressed excitement. 1692年的巨头奖现在是340万美元 10900的超级大奖是778万美元 The Mega Jackpot for draw 1692 is now $3.4 million, and the Super Jackpot for draw 10900 is $7.78 million.