阿联酋副总统发起「阿拉伯希望创造者」比赛, UAE Vice President launches 'Arab Hope Makers' contest to honor community changemakers globally.
阿联酋副总统谢赫·穆罕默德(Sheikh Mohammed)发起了最新一期的“阿拉伯希望创造者”比赛, Sheikh Mohammed, UAE Vice President, launched the latest edition of the 'Arab Hope Makers' contest, which honors individuals and groups making positive changes in their communities. 该倡议向全球的阿拉伯个人和组织开放,它承认人道主义努力,并旨在传播希望和积极性。 The initiative, open to Arab individuals and organizations globally, recognizes humanitarian efforts and aims to spread hope and positivity. 获胜者可以获得丰厚的奖品,并通过网站 arabhopemakers.com 获得提名。 Winners can receive significant prizes and are nominated through the website arabhopemakers.com.