阿联酋2025年扎耶德可持续性奖授予11名创新者,以在健康、粮食、能源、水和气候行动方面寻求可持续的解决方案。 UAE's Zayed Sustainability Prize 2025 honors 11 innovators for sustainable solutions in health, food, energy, water, and climate action.
扎耶德可持续性奖(Zayed Sustainable Prize 2025)在阿布扎比可持续性周表彰了11名全球创新者, The Zayed Sustainability Prize 2025 recognized 11 global innovators at the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, including Nigeria's NaFarm Foods for their hybrid solar food dryers and Palki Motors from Bangladesh for affordable electric vehicles. 这些奖项由阿联酋总统谢赫·穆罕默德·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬颁发,分六类:卫生、粮食、能源、水、气候行动和全球高中。 The awards, presented by UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, span six categories: Health, Food, Energy, Water, Climate Action, and Global High Schools. 获奖者强调该奖项支持在全球推广其可持续解决方案。 Winners highlighted the prize’s support in scaling their sustainable solutions globally.