两周六早在温尼伯的加里堡发生房屋火灾后, 两人处于危急状态。 Two people are in critical condition after a house fire in Fort Garry, Winnipeg, early Saturday.
星期五晚上,Winnipeg的Garry堡发生房屋火灾,两人在危急情况下住院治疗。 Two individuals were hospitalized in critical condition after a house fire in Fort Garry, Winnipeg, on Friday night. 消防员在晚上11点左右对河滨车道上一栋两层楼的房屋作出反应,他们首先从户外,然后从家内,在那里与猛烈的火焰和烟雾作斗争。 Firefighters responded around 11 p.m. to a two-story house on Riverside Drive, where they battled heavy flames and smoke, initially from outside and then inside the home. 火灾于凌晨1时18分扑灭,原因正在调查中。 The fire was extinguished by 1:18 a.m., and the cause is under investigation. 没有关于损害的估计数。 No damage estimates are available.