20岁的Eric Morales因射杀一人而被捕,在拉斯维加斯便利商店发生车辆碰撞后又打伤一人。 20-year-old Eric Morales arrested for shooting and killing one, wounding another after vehicle collision at Las Vegas convenience store.
Eric Morales,20岁,10月20日在拉斯维加斯一家便利商店遭枪击后,因故意杀人和其他重罪被捕。 Eric Morales, 20, was arrested for voluntary manslaughter and other felonies after a shooting at a Las Vegas convenience store on October 20. 事故发生后,受害者在车祸后寻求帮助。 The incident followed a vehicle collision where the victims sought help after the crash. Morales在内部和他们对质,导致他向两名受害者开枪。 Morales confronted them inside, resulting in him shooting both victims. 一名男子在现场死亡,一名妇女住院。 A man died at the scene, while a woman was hospitalized. Morales在没有保释的情况下被拘留,10月23日出庭。 Morales is being held without bail, with a court appearance set for October 23.