中国的州电网通过检查和应急小组加强冬季电力供应。 State Grid in China boosts winter power supply with inspections and emergency teams.
中国的Kizilsu Kirghiz州立自治州电力供应公司实施了一些措施,确保在冬季恶劣条件下可靠的供暖和电力供应。 The State Grid Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture Electric Power Supply Company in China has implemented measures to ensure reliable heating and electricity supply amid winter's harsh conditions. 该公司由60名工作人员和20多部车辆组成,正在对设备进行检查、监测电力线并准备应付紧急情况。 The company is conducting equipment inspections, monitoring power lines, and preparing for emergencies with a team of 60 staff and over 20 vehicles. 他们还视察了医院和旅馆等关键地点,以确保安全,并纠正发现的任何缺陷。 They also inspected key locations like hospitals and hotels to ensure safety and addressed any defects found. 目的是维持稳定的电力供应,并在冬季高峰期间使家庭保持温暖。 The aim is to maintain a stable power supply and keep homes warm during the winter peak.