在勒克瑙抗议中,什叶派穆斯林声称在孟加拉国受到印度教迫害,敦促印度采取行动。 Shia Muslims in Lucknow protest alleged Hindu persecution in Bangladesh, urging India to take action.
勒克瑙穆斯林什叶派社区成员举行烛光游行, 抗议指称孟加拉国印度教徒遭受暴行, Members of Lucknow's Muslim Shia community held a candlelight march to protest against alleged atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh. 在Maulana Kalbe Jawad的带领下, 他们敦促印度政府向联合国施压, 并呼吁对孟加拉国采取严厉行动, Led by Maulana Kalbe Jawad, they urged the Indian government to pressure the UN and called for strict action against Bangladesh and labeling Pakistan a 'terrorist country.' 抗争也批评以色列和土耳其, 支持叙利亚民众及全球反压迫抗争, Protests also criticized Israel and Turkey while supporting Syrians and the global fight against oppression. 印度敦促孟加拉国在多次袭击中确保少数族裔的安全。 India has urged Bangladesh to ensure minority safety amid multiple attacks.