魁北克省更新了2025年洪泛区地图,引起人们对财产价值和保险费用的担忧。 Quebec updates flood zone maps for 2025, raising fears over property values and insurance costs.
魁北克正在为2025年绘制新的洪泛区地图,将风险分类为低、中、高和非常高,对高风险地区制定更严格的规则。 Quebec is preparing new flood zone maps for 2025, categorizing risk into low, moderate, high, and very high, with stricter rules for higher risk areas. 这一变化正在引起各市镇的担忧,尤其是那些过去存在洪灾问题的市镇,因为它们担心这将对财产价值和保险费用产生负面影响。 This change is causing concern among municipalities, particularly those with past flooding issues, as they fear it will negatively impact property values and insurance costs. 官员在担心对居民产生经济影响时, 要求为堤坝保护区另设一个类别。 Officials are calling for a separate category for areas protected by dikes, amid concerns over financial repercussions for residents.