8 月洪水过后,魁北克人感到自己被遗弃了,这引发了人们对政府援助应对措施的怀疑。 Quebeckers feel abandoned post-August floods, raising doubts about government's aid response.
魁北克居民在8月严重洪灾后感到被忽略,这在蒙特利尔和其他地区造成了广泛的破坏。 Residents in Quebec feel neglected after the severe August flooding, which caused extensive damage in Montreal and other areas. 暴风雨下到175毫米的雨,在街道上留下残块和被损坏的物品。 The storm dropped up to 175 millimeters of rain, leaving debris and damaged belongings in the streets. 这种情况使人怀疑政府对援助复原努力的反应和准备情况。 The situation raises doubts about the government's response and preparedness to aid recovery efforts.