警方警告一个骗局 假冒警察打电话到企业 寻求敏感信息 Police warn of a scam where fake officers call businesses, seeking sensitive information.
斯蒂尔沃特警察局警告当地企业注意一个骗局,该骗局涉及冒充警察的个人拨打的电话。 The Stillwater Police Department warns local businesses of a scam involving calls from individuals pretending to be police officers. 这些打电话者要求提供敏感的商业信息,如现金登记细节和个人电话号码等。 These callers ask for sensitive business information like cash register details and personal phone numbers. 警方强调,他们从未通过电话索取此类信息,并且建议企业通过在405-372-4171中直接与它们联系来核实任何电话。 The police emphasize they never request such information over the phone and advise businesses to verify any calls by contacting them directly at 405-372-4171.