菲律宾总统下令取缔非法赌博中心,作为POGO禁令生效。 Philippine president orders crackdown on illegal gaming hubs as POGO ban takes effect.
菲律宾总统费尔迪南德·马科斯(Ferdinand Marcos Jr.)下令镇压非法赌博和网络摄像中心, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has ordered a crackdown on illegal gaming and cybercam hubs as a ban on Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) takes effect. 这项禁令定于1月全面实施,取消所有POGO许可证,并授权21 000多名外国工人在年底前离境。 The ban, set to fully implement by January, revokes all POGO licenses and mandates the departure of over 21,000 foreign workers by year-end. 尽管以前进行了突袭,但许多经营者还是转移到秘密枢纽,继续从事非法活动。 Despite previous raids, many operators have moved to clandestine hubs to continue illegal activities.