由于总统对POGOs的指令, 菲律宾政府关闭了凯维特最大的赌博中心。 Philippine government shuts down largest gaming hub in Kawit, Cavite, due to president's directive against POGOs.
菲律宾政府已关闭菲律宾最大的海外赌博经营者中心(POGO), The Philippine government has closed the country's largest Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) hub in Kawit, Cavite, following President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s directive to shut down all POGOs due to illegal activities. 该枢纽现已关闭,覆盖33公顷土地,雇用了30 000人。 The hub, now closed, covered 33 hectares and employed 30,000 people. 尽管没有关于违反禁令的报告,但该场址关闭以遵守禁令。 Despite no reported violations, the site closed to comply with the ban. 关闭可能给政府带来200亿比索的损失。 The shutdown could result in a P20 billion loss to the government.