渥太华学校将取代20多个游戏结构,每个费用高达125 000美元,由学校董事会出资。 Ottawa schools to replace over 20 play structures, costing up to $125,000 each, funded by the school board.
渥太华-卡尔顿区学校董事会现在将为更换200多所学校的老旧游戏结构提供资金,因为大约十分之一的结构在五年内将需要更换。 The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board will now fund the replacement of aging play structures in over 200 schools, as about one in ten structures will need replacement within five years. 费用从大流行病发生前的60 000至70 000美元增加到现在的125 000美元。 Costs have risen from $60,000-$70,000 before the pandemic to $125,000 now. 董事会的设施部门将管理该方案,解除家长理事会的筹资责任。 The board's facilities department will manage the program, relieving parent councils of fundraising responsibilities. 董事会计划将游戏结构标准化,以确保学校之间的平等。 The board plans to standardize play structures to ensure equity across schools.