马里兰州股份有限公司与16个州联手,追究枪支业对非法销售和贩运的责任。 Maryland AG joins 16 states to hold gun industry accountable for illegal sales and trafficking.
马里兰州总检察长Anthony G. Brown加入了一个由16名州总检察长组成的联盟,旨在通过追究火器业成员的责任来减少枪支暴力。 Maryland Attorney General Anthony G. Brown joined a coalition of 16 state attorneys general aiming to reduce gun violence by holding firearms industry members accountable. 该联盟将针对其做法导致非法销售和枪支贩运的制造商、经销商和卖方执行民事责任和消费者保护法。 The coalition will enforce civil liability and consumer protection laws against manufacturers, distributors, and sellers whose practices lead to unlawful sales and gun trafficking. 参与州包括加利福尼亚州、科罗拉多州、康涅狄格州、特拉华州、哥伦比亚特区华盛顿州、夏威夷州、缅因州、马萨诸塞州、密歇根州、明尼苏达州、内华达州、新泽西州、俄勒冈州、罗德岛州和佛蒙特州。 Participating states include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont.