巴尔的摩和马里兰州起诉Glock, 声称其枪支可以很容易地转化为自动武器。 Baltimore and Maryland sue Glock, claiming its guns can be easily converted into automatic weapons.
巴尔的摩和马里兰州起诉Glock,指控其手枪很容易被改装成自动武器,使用廉价转换装置,助长了该市的暴力。 Baltimore and Maryland sued Glock, alleging its handguns can be easily modified into automatic weapons using cheap conversion devices, contributing to the city's violence. 诉讼旨在阻止马里兰州出售某些Glock枪支,要求Glock采取安全措施,并因反暴力方案获得赔偿。 The lawsuit seeks to prevent the sale of certain Glock firearms in Maryland, demand safety measures from Glock, and receive restitution for anti-violence programs. Glock尚未对诉讼作出回应。 Glock has not yet responded to the lawsuit.