意大利海军舰船Amerigo Vespucci访问卡塔尔,展示了意大利的文化和产品。 Historic Italian Navy ship Amerigo Vespucci visits Qatar, showcasing Italian culture and products.
意大利史无前例的海军训练船Amerigo Vespucci于12月17日至22日首次在卡塔尔停留, The historic Italian Navy training ship, Amerigo Vespucci, is making its first-ever stop in Qatar from December 17 to 22 as part of its 93-year-old world tour. 这次访问包括Villagio Italia,这是展示意大利产品和文化的展览。 The visit includes Villaggio Italia, an exhibition showcasing Italian products and culture. 船舶和展览将免费向公众开放,但需事先登记。 Both the ship and the exhibition will be open to the public free of charge but require prior registration. 这凸显了意大利和卡塔尔之间各部门之间日益扩大的联系。 This stop highlights the growing ties between Italy and Qatar across various sectors.