卡塔尔在2024/2025年季节的前半期接待了190 000多名游轮旅客,促进了旅游业。 Qatar welcomed over 190,000 cruise passengers in the first half of its 2024/2025 season, boosting tourism.
卡塔尔在2024/2025年游轮季节前半期接待了190 000多名游轮旅客和53艘船只,这标志着游轮旅游业的显著增长。 Qatar saw over 190,000 cruise passengers and 53 ships during the first half of the 2024/2025 cruise season, marking a significant boost in cruise tourism. 访客主要来自德国、俄国和意大利。 Visitors largely came from Germany, Russia, and Italy. 由于战略位置和现代基础设施,卡塔尔计划巩固其作为海湾地区主要游轮目的地的地位,因为预计季末将再有30艘游轮。 With 30 more cruise ships expected by season's end, Qatar aims to solidify its position as a leading cruise destination in the Gulf region, thanks to its strategic location and modern infrastructure.