海地牧师Dieune Day被控走私武器,被逮捕并交给海地警察。 Haitian pastor Dieune Day, accused of smuggling weapons, was arrested and handed to Haitian police.
因走私武器和其他罪行而被通缉的海地牧师Dieune日,在多米尼加共和国被捕,并移交给海地警察。 Haitian pastor Dieune Day, wanted for smuggling weapons and other crimes, was arrested in the Dominican Republic and handed over to Haitian police. 这次逮捕是在2022年发现与海地圣公会有联系的免税集装箱中的武器之后发生的。 The arrest follows the 2022 discovery of weapons in duty-free containers linked to the Episcopal Church of Haiti. 牧师Day面临包括逃税和犯罪结社在内的指控,目前被拘留候审。 Pastor Day faces charges including tax evasion and criminal association and is now in custody awaiting trial.