与澳大利亚警察枪杀案有关的美国男子唐纳德·戴 (Donald Day Jr) 提出认罪协议。 American man linked to Australian police killers, Donald Day Jr, offered plea deal.
美国联邦检察官已向一名美国男子唐纳德·戴 (Donald Day Jr) 提出认罪协议,该男子与在昆士兰州杀害两名澳大利亚警察的家人有关。 An American man, Donald Day Jr, linked to the family that killed two Australian police officers in Queensland, has been offered a plea deal by US federal prosecutors. 戴于 2023 年在亚利桑那州被捕,并在枪击事件发生 12 个月后被指控“跨州威胁”和非法持有枪支。 Arrested in Arizona in 2023, Day was charged with "interstate threats" and illegally possessing firearms 12 months after the shooting. 检察官加里·雷斯塔诺 (Gary Restaino) 已延长认罪协议,接受截止日期为 2024 年 5 月 17 日。 Prosecutor Gary Restaino has extended a plea offer with a deadline to accept on May 17, 2024.