移动警察帕特里克·迪斯被解雇,因涉嫌盗窃和妻子纳迪亚持有盗窃包裹而被捕. Mobile Police Officer Patrick Deas fired, arrested for theft allegations of possessing stolen packages with wife Nadia.
23岁的机动警官Patrick Deas在声称他和他的妻子Nadia McMillian在公寓楼内持有给另一名居民的被盗包裹后遭到解雇和逮捕。 Mobile Police Officer Patrick Deas, 23, was fired and arrested after allegations surfaced that he and his wife, Nadia McMillian, possessed stolen packages addressed to another resident at their apartment complex. 警方于2024年10月2日得知情况。 The police department learned of the situation on October 2, 2024. Deas被控犯有四度盗窃罪,定于10月4日举行保释听证会。 Deas is charged with fourth-degree theft and is set for a bond hearing on October 4. 逮捕McMillian的逮捕令也即将发出。 A warrant for McMillian's arrest is also forthcoming.