Gina Potae是一个有诈骗史的欺诈者,因在新西兰诈骗家庭被判处23个月徒刑。 Gina Potae, a fraudster with a history of scams, was sentenced to 23 months for defrauding families in New Zealand.
Gina Potae是一名屡次欺诈者,他假扮新西兰Whangārei的房东,欺骗了7 200美元中的两个家庭,因此被判处23个月监禁。 Gina Potae, a repeat fraudster, was sentenced to 23 months in prison for scamming two families out of $7,200 by posing as a landlord in Whangārei, New Zealand. 她的儿子Tre Araia声称,她还欺骗了他和他的家人,包括以他的名义贷款,使他们背负巨额债务。 Her son, Tre Araia, claims she has also defrauded him and his family, including taking out loans in his name, leaving them in significant debt. Potae有欺诈史,以前曾从一个金融机构偷过200 000美元。 Potae has a history of fraud, having previously stolen $200,000 from a financial institution.