免费在线课程帮助威尔士无薪照顾者在完成照顾责任后重建信心。 Free online course helps Welsh unpaid carers rebuild confidence after caregiving duties.
改变者集团的西蒙·菲利普斯为无薪威尔士照顾者开办了为期九周的免费在线课程“重新发现你”, Simon Phillips of The Change Maker Group has launched a free nine-week online course called 'Rediscover You' for unpaid Welsh carers, funded by Carers Wales. 该课程旨在帮助照料者在承担照料责任后重建信心和自尊心。 The course aims to help carers rebuild confidence and self-esteem after caring responsibilities. 由于英国有1 000多万无酬照护者,菲利普斯强调,需要为这一群体提供更多的支持。 With over 10 million unpaid carers in the UK, Phillips highlights the need for more support for this group. 第五组课程刚刚完成,为2025年以后的培训班制订了计划。 The fifth cohort of the course has just completed, and plans are in place for future sessions in 2025.