FBI迫使银行在不经过法律程序的情况下分享客户数据,绕过第四修正案权利。 FBI pressured banks to share customer data without legal process, bypassing Fourth Amendment rights.
美国政府被指控滥用1970年《银行保密法》绕过第四修正案并监测无辜美国人的私人金融交易。 The US government is accused of misusing the 1970 Bank Secrecy Act to bypass the Fourth Amendment and monitor private financial transactions of innocent Americans. 众议院司法委员会报告说,联邦调查局向银行施加压力,要求银行充当执法伙伴,要求客户提供未经法律程序的数据。 The House Judiciary Committee reported that the FBI has pressured banks to act as law enforcement partners, issuing requests for customer data without legal process. 这导致货币交易报告激增,在没有可疑活动证据的情况下,分享公民的个人信息。 This has led to a surge in Currency Transaction Reports, sharing personal information of citizens without evidence of suspicious activity.