Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo赢得第三次连任,Kaylynn Paxson和Everett Roy赢得了市议会席位。 Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo won a third term, and Kaylynn Paxson and Everett Roy secured City Council seats.
在Corpus Christi的2024年第二轮选举中,现任市长Paulette Guajardo以50.6%的选票赢得其第三次任期。 In Corpus Christi's 2024 runoff elections, incumbent Mayor Paulette Guajardo won her third term with 50.6% of the vote. 在市议会竞选中,Kaylynn Paxson 以 64.84% 赢得第 4 区,而 Everett Roy 以 50.03% 险胜第 1 区,尽管结果有待邮寄选票计数。 In City Council races, Kaylynn Paxson won District 4 with 64.84%, while Everett Roy narrowly secured District 1 with 50.03%, though results are pending mail-in ballot counts. 候选人强调了诸如公共安全、基础设施和财政责任等问题。 Candidates highlighted issues like public safety, infrastructure, and fiscal responsibility.