共和党候选人辛迪·哈吉塞克 (Cindi Hajicek) 要求在第 49 区初选中重新计票,乔安娜·金 (Joanna King) 领先。 Republican nominee Cindi Hajicek requests recount in District 49 primary election with Joanna King leading.
州议员第 49 选区共和党候选人辛迪·哈吉切克 (Cindi Hajicek) 要求重新计票 5 月 7 日的初选结果。 Cindi Hajicek, a Republican nominee for state representative District 49, has requested a recount of the May 7 primary election results. 初步未经认证的结果显示,乔安娜·金以 65% 的选票领先,而哈吉切克的得票率为 35%。 Initial uncertified results show Joanna King leading with 65% of the vote, while Hajicek has 35%. 重新计票的请求已向州政府提出,因为哈吉切克认为重新计票对于准确确定选举结果是必要的。 The request for a recount was filed with the state, as Hajicek believes a recount is necessary to determine the outcome accurately.