博西耶市的汤米·钱德勒市长在没有反对的情况下再次当选,并选出了一名新的市议会成员。 Mayor Tommy Chandler of Bossier City was re-elected unopposed, and a new city council member was elected.
博西耶市的汤米·钱德勒市长再次当选连任,没有异议。 Mayor Tommy Chandler of Bossier City was re-elected unopposed for a second term. 三名市议员David Montgomery、Don Williams和Jeff Free正在下台, 新来的Joel Girouard在没有反对的情况下赢得了一个空缺席位。 Three city council members—David Montgomery, Don Williams, and Jeff Free—are stepping down, and newcomer Joel Girouard won one of the vacant seats without opposition. Jerry Bowman和Mariam Tamica Harley将争夺州最高法院的席位。 Jerry Bowman and Mariam Tamica Harley will compete for a State Supreme Court seat. 早期投票是3月15日至22日,选举是3月29日。 Early voting is from March 15-22, and the election is on March 29.