澳大利亚巴拉拉特市推出反向圣诞日历,为需要帮助的人每天收集食物和礼物. Ballarat, Australia, launches Reverse Advent Calendar, collecting daily food and gifts for those in need.
澳大利亚巴拉拉特岛设有逆向基督复临安息日日历,与会者在日历中填满箱,为有需要的家庭提供日常食品和礼品。 Ballarat, Australia, hosts a Reverse Advent Calendar, where participants fill boxes with daily food items and gifts for families in need. 由Heather Lutrell启动, 这项计划已经发展壮大, 学校和志愿者帮助收集并分发盒子。 Started by Heather Lutrell, the program has grown, with schools and volunteers helping collect and distribute the boxes. 一个特别的祝福日包括烧烤、面部绘画和宠物动物园。 A special Blessing Day includes a barbecue, face painting, and a petting zoo. 团结组织和圣文森特·德保罗预期圣诞节前后对支助的需求会很高,近几个月来有100多名粗睡者得到协助。 Uniting and St Vincent de Paul expect high demand for support around Christmas, with over 100 rough sleepers assisted in recent months. 箱子可以在城市的不同地点捡起和丢弃。 Boxes can be picked up and dropped off at various locations in the city.