在Aurora,一场家庭纠纷最终导致枪击,造成两名住院病人和一名嫌疑人死亡。 In Aurora, a family dispute culminated in a shooting that left two hospitalized and one suspect deceased.
在科罗拉多的奥罗拉,一场家庭纠纷导致枪击,一名19岁的嫌疑人因重伤一名1岁和一名20岁妇女住院而自杀。 In Aurora, Colorado, a family dispute led to a shooting where a 19-year-old suspect killed himself after critically injuring a 1-year-old and a 20-year-old woman, who were hospitalized. 一名44岁妇女受了轻伤。 A 44-year-old woman sustained minor injuries. 警方正在调查这一事件,事件发生在星期六上午10时30分左右,地点在E. Evans大道10300个街区。 Police are investigating the incident, which occurred around 10:30 am on Saturday in the 10300 block of E. Evans Avenue.