一场家庭纠纷中的Fargo枪击造成一名嫌疑人死亡,另两名受伤。 Fargo shooting in a domestic dispute left one suspect dead and two others injured.
法尔戈(Fargo)国内争议导致枪击身亡。 A domestic dispute in Fargo early Saturday morning led to a fatal shooting. 警方对关于凌晨2时15分左右发生攻击和枪击事件的报告作出了回应。 Police responded to reports of an assault and shooting at around 2:15 a.m. 嫌犯将一名受害者追赶到邻近的城镇住宅,在那里开枪射击,打伤两人,伤势无生命危险。 The suspect chased a victim into a neighboring townhome, where shots were fired, injuring two people with non-life-threatening injuries. 嫌疑人逃跑,后来被发现死于一辆汽车中,显然是自枪自伤。 The suspect fled and was later found dead in a vehicle from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. 调查继续进行。 The investigation continues.