杰克逊港第28次感恩节游行支持当地肾癌病人柯克·沃尔克曼。 Jacksonport's 28th Thanksgiving parade supports local kidney cancer patient Kirk Volkmann.
11月25日举行的杰克逊港感恩节游行将节日欢呼与社区对Kirk Volkmann的支持相结合。 The Jacksonport Thanksgiving Day parade, held on November 25, combined holiday cheer with community support for Kirk Volkmann, a local battling stage 4 kidney cancer and owner of Valmy Happy Hour. 游行已进入第28年, 每年为有需要的社区成员募集资金, 募集数千人支持。 Now in its 28th year, the parade raises funds annually for a community member in need, gathering thousands in support. 今年的活动包括浮标、消防车和彩色警卫队, 提高Volkmann对医疗开支的认识和资金。 This year’s event featured floats, fire trucks, and the Color Guard, raising awareness and funds for Volkmann’s medical expenses.