Trump的新的ICE计划 目标是驱逐大约18,000无证印第安人 Trump's new ICE plans target deportation of about 18,000 undocumented Indians.
根据当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的严格移民政策,美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)正准备将大约18,000名无证印第安人驱逐出境。 Under President-elect Donald Trump's strict immigration policies, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is preparing to deport about 18,000 undocumented Indians listed for removal. 印度在美国无证移民人数中名列第13位,并被ICE视为“不合作”,因为签发旅行证件和核实公民身份方面的拖延,使驱逐程序复杂化。 India ranks 13th in the number of undocumented immigrants in the US and has been deemed "uncooperative" by ICE due to delays in issuing travel documents and verifying citizenship, complicating the deportation process. Trump强调要注重加快驱逐无证移民。 Trump has emphasized a focus on expediting the removal of undocumented immigrants.