美国利用军用飞机驱逐大约205名印度国民,标志着对非法移民的镇压。 US to deport around 205 Indian nationals using a military plane, marking a crackdown on illegal immigration.
美国准备用军用飞机驱逐大约205名非法入境的印度国民。 The US is set to deport around 205 Indian nationals who entered the country illegally, using a military plane. 这一行动是特朗普总统打击非法移民行动的一部分,被视为打击无证移民的一项重大举措。 This action, part of President Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration, is seen as a significant move against undocumented migrants. 印度已同意收回其国民,只要他们的身份得到核实。 India has agreed to take back its nationals, provided their identities are verified. 驱逐反映了美国和印度之间在遏制非法移民方面日益加强的合作,尽管由于使用昂贵的军用飞机,这引起了争议。 The deportation reflects growing cooperation between the US and India to curb illegal immigration, though it has sparked controversy due to the use of expensive military aircraft.