三名囚犯从夏威夷监狱越狱,最后一次见到他们是在一辆偷来的车里。 Three inmates escaped from a Hawaii prison, last seen in a stolen car.
12月13日下午4时30分左右,三名囚犯从夏威夷Hilo监狱越狱。 Joseph C. Fernandez、Kawai J. Pomroy和Clyde T. Loa最后一次被看见在一辆失窃的灰色2014年Nissan Altima中离开。 Three inmates escaped from a correctional facility in Hilo, Hawaii, on December 13th around 4:30 p.m. Joseph C. Fernandez, Kawai J. Pomroy, and Clyde T. Loa were last seen leaving in a stolen gray 2014 Nissan Altima. 他们因各种罪行被关押,包括汽车盗窃、虐待家庭成员和违反火器规定。 They were in custody for various crimes including auto theft, abuse of a household member, and firearms violations. 警方正在调查他们如何获得车辆,并要求公众协助寻找车辆。 Police are investigating how they obtained the vehicle and are asking for public assistance in locating them.