警方报告称,三名嫌疑人在亚特兰大抢劫、袭击并驾驶一名男子的车辆逃跑。 Three suspects rob, assault, and flee with a man's vehicle in Atlanta, police report.
警方正在寻找在亚特兰大西南部抢劫并袭击一名男子的三名男子。 Police are searching for three individuals who robbed and assaulted a man in southwest Atlanta. 该事件于 2023 年 5 月 18 日发生在阿斯彭法院公寓。 The incident occurred on May 18, 2023, at the Aspen Court Apartments. 犯罪嫌疑人找到受害者,要求他提供 2010 款现代伊兰特的钥匙。 The victim was approached by the suspects, who demanded the key to his 2010 Hyundai Elantra. 犯罪嫌疑人殴打受害人并将其摔倒在地,然后偷走了他的汽车。 The suspects punched and threw the victim to the ground, and then stole his car. 嫌疑人在当局到达之前开车离开。 The suspects drove away before authorities arrived.