辛普森县学校面临威胁,导致软禁闭;调查发现这很可能是没有根据的。 Simpson County Schools faced a threat, leading to a soft lockdown; investigation found it likely unfounded.
肯塔基州警察和当地执法部门调查了辛普森县学校在接到自杀热线电话后受到的威胁。 Kentucky State Police and local law enforcement investigated a threat made against Simpson County Schools after a call from a suicide hotline. 学校被软禁闭,但仍开放。 Schools were placed on soft lockdown but remained open. 尽管初次报告表明威胁可能可信,但进一步调查表明情况并非如此。 Though initial reports suggested the threat might be credible, further investigation indicated otherwise. 作为一项预防措施,将增加学校中的执法力量。 As a precaution, law enforcement presence in the schools will be increased. 尚未公布关于威胁的进一步详情。 No further details on the threat have been released.