在堪萨斯州堪萨斯市的艾森豪威尔中学,由于社交媒体受到炸弹威胁,警察人数增加。 Eisenhower Middle School in Kansas City, Kansas, has increased police presence due to a bomb threat on social media.
在堪萨斯州堪萨斯市的艾森豪威尔中学,由于不断调查社交媒体上的炸弹威胁,警察的存在有所增加。 Eisenhower Middle School in Kansas City, Kansas, has heightened police presence due to an ongoing investigation of a bomb threat made on social media. 当局正在调查与先前的非可信威胁的潜在联系。 Authorities are looking into a potential connection with a previous non-credible threat. 虽然目前的情况并不严重,但正在采取额外的安全措施,以确保安全。 Although the current situation is not deemed serious, additional security measures are being implemented to ensure safety. 家长会收到有关该事件的进一步来文。 Parents will receive further communication regarding the incident.