俄亥俄州麦迪逊当地学校因匿名枪击威胁而封锁,学生提前放学;调查正在进行中。 Madison Local Schools in Ohio lockdown due to anonymous shooting threat, students dismissed early; investigation ongoing.
俄亥俄州巴特勒县的麦迪逊当地学校因匿名语音邮件威胁要“向学校开枪”而处于锁定状态。 Madison Local Schools in Butler County, Ohio, are on lockdown due to an anonymous voicemail threat to "shoot up the school." 学生被提前开除,小学课程被取消,中/高中学生被送回家。 Students were dismissed early, with elementary classes canceled and middle/high school students bused home. 一名七年级的学生被拘留审问, 但不清楚他们是否是嫌疑人。 A seventh-grade student has been detained for questioning, but it's unclear if they are a suspect. 当局保证所有学生的安全,调查正在进行中。 Authorities assure that all students are safe, and the investigation is ongoing. 威胁的性质仍未披露。 The nature of the threat remains undisclosed.