Salisbury学校在Wiltshire的中学排名中名列前茅,“进步8”得分很高。 Salisbury schools top Wiltshire's secondary rankings with high 'progress eight' scores.
Wiltshire的顶级中学按“八分”排名,显示两所Salisbury学校的成绩分别为0.79和0.55。 Wiltshire's top secondary schools, ranked by 'progress eight' scores, show two Salisbury schools leading with scores of 0.79 and 0.55. 这一指标跟踪学生从小学到中学的学习进度,包括英语、数学和科学等八门学科。 This metric tracks student progress from primary to secondary education across up to eight subjects, including English, math, and sciences. 教育部发布了数据,其中不包括独立学校。 The Department for Education released the data, which does not include independent schools.