King Edward VI Camp Hill女子学校于2025年被命名为英国最高国立优秀学术中学。 King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls is named the UK's top state secondary school for academic excellence in 2025.
《2025年星期天时报家长权力指南》在联合王国排名第一。 The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2025 ranks top schools in the UK. 在西米德兰,伯明翰的爱德华六世国王山营女校被评为年度最佳国家中学. In the West Midlands, King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls in Birmingham is named the National State Secondary School of the Year for Academic Excellence. Stratford女子文法学校的学术成功也得到承认。 Stratford Girls' Grammar School is also recognized for its academic success. 在小学,Stoke-on-Trent的St Filumena's RC小学被命名为国际年小学。 In primary schools, St Filumena's RC Primary School in Stoke-on-Trent is named Primary School of the Year. 该指南根据学术结果和检查报告对2 000多所学校进行评估,帮助家长为其子女选择最好的学校。 The guide evaluates over 2,000 schools based on academic results and inspection reports, helping parents choose the best schools for their children.