印度将农民的贷款限额提高到2千瓦,援助成本负担和增加农业信贷。 India raises loan limit for farmers to ₹2 lakh, aiding cost burdens and boosting agricultural credit.
印度储备银行自2025年1月1日起,将农民的无担保贷款限制从1.6拉克提高到2拉克,以帮助小农和边缘农民应付不断上涨的成本。 The Reserve Bank of India has raised the collateral-free loan limit for farmers from ₹1.6 lakh to ₹2 lakh, effective January 1, 2025, to help small and marginal farmers cope with rising costs. 这一举措旨在改善获得信贷的机会和支持农业增长,使86%以上的农民受益。 This move aims to improve credit accessibility and support agricultural growth, benefiting over 86% of farmers. 这项计划补充了政府贷款计划,以4%的利率提供最高至3拉克的贷款。 The initiative complements the government's loan scheme offering loans up to ₹3 lakh at a 4% interest rate.