印度的农村信贷系统正式化,增加农业贷款,并通过技术举措增强妇女的能力。 India's rural credit system formalizes, boosting agricultural loans and empowering women with tech initiatives.
印度的农村信贷系统正在变得更加正规化,借款人由于利率降低和政府补贴而更喜欢正规来源。 India's rural credit system is becoming more formalized, with borrowers preferring formal sources due to lower interest rates and government subsidies. NABARD主席Shaji KV注意到非正式贷款减少,预计本财政年度农业信贷增长超过13%。 NABARD Chairman Shaji KV noted a decline in informal lending and expected agricultural credit growth of over 13% this fiscal year. 政府还在推动数字化土地记录,以改善获得信贷的机会,并在Grameen Bharat Mahotsav等活动上展示农村产品,通过Didis和Lakhpati Didis方案等举措促进农村经济并赋予妇女权力。 The government is also pushing for digitized land records to improve credit access and is showcasing rural products at events like Grameen Bharat Mahotsav to boost rural economies and empower women through initiatives like Drone Didis and Lakhpati Didis programs.