多切斯特西塞尔登街 83/85 号清晨发生火灾,导致 6 人流离失所,其中包括 1 名儿童;无人受伤,损失 45 万美元,红十字会提供援助。 Early morning fire at 83/85 West Seldon Street, Dorchester displaces 6, including 1 child; no injuries, $450K damages, Red Cross aid.
多切斯特清晨发生火灾,导致六人流离失所,其中包括一名儿童。 An early morning fire occurred in Dorchester, resulting in six people, including one child, being displaced. 午夜时分,波士顿消防局接到电话前往西谢尔顿街 83/85 号的现场。 The Boston Fire Department was called to the scene at 83/85 West Seldon Street around midnight. 消防队员成功扑灭了一楼和二楼的大火,避免了人员伤亡。 Firefighters managed to extinguish the fire on the first and second floors and prevent any injuries. 马萨诸塞州红十字会现场提供援助。 The Red Cross of Massachusetts provided assistance on-site. 估计损失约为 450,000 美元。 The estimated damages were approximately $450,000.