Fentanyl吸毒过量已成为加利福尼亚州与毒品有关的工作场所死亡的主要原因。 Fentanyl overdoses have become the leading cause of drug-related workplace deaths in California.
在加利福尼亚州,人们越来越关注 与毒品有关的工作场所死亡, 主要是因芬太尼造成的。 In California, there's a growing concern over drug-related workplace deaths, largely due to fentanyl. 尽管以前在职死亡人数有所下降,但芬太尼过量现已成为造成这些死亡的主要原因。 Despite a previous decline in on-the-job fatalities, fentanyl overdoses have now become the leading cause of these deaths. 此外,一项调查显示,受经济不平等、住房成本和环境问题影响,信仰美国梦的加利福尼亚人较少。 Separately, a survey shows that fewer Californians believe in the American Dream, influenced by economic inequality, housing costs, and environmental issues.