犹他州发现芬太尼的死亡率上升了71%;科罗拉多州丹佛的内乐酮使用量增加,其死亡率下降。 Utah sees 71%rise in fentanyl deaths; Denver, Colorado see declines with more naloxone use.
两年多来,犹他州的芬太尼过剂量死亡率猛增71%,最新数字达到290人,而在丹佛和科罗拉多,2024年上半年,致命过剂量分别下降了11%和8%。 Fentanyl overdose deaths surged 71% in Utah over two years, reaching 290 in the latest count, while in Denver and Colorado, fatal overdoses dropped 11% and 8% respectively in the first half of 2024. 这一下降部分归功于纳洛酮分配的增加和类阿片危机解决资金的增加。 The decline is partly credited to increased naloxone distribution and opioid crisis settlement funds. 然而,犹他州面临挑战,芬太尼与其他药物混杂在一起,导致去年缉获了200多万片药丸。 Utah, however, faces challenges with fentanyl mixed into other drugs, leading to over 2 million seized pills last year.