前海岸警卫队队长在批评保护犯罪者时,为隐瞒性侵犯报告以保护隐私进行辩护。 Ex-Coast Guard chief defends withholding sexual assault report to protect privacy, amid criticism of shielding perpetrators.
前美国海岸警卫队指挥官Karl Schultz以对受害者隐私的担忧为由,为他拒绝国会对一项性攻击调查(称为“Fouled Anchor行动”)的调查结果的决定辩护。 Former US Coast Guard Commandant Karl Schultz has defended his decision to withhold findings of a sexual assault investigation, known as "Operation Fouled Anchor," from Congress, citing concerns for victims' privacy. 调查证实了1980年代末至2006年发生的几十起强奸和袭击事件。 The investigation substantiated dozens of rapes and assaults from the late 1980s to 2006. Schultz辩称,他担心立法者会将调查结果政治化,伤害受害者和一些无罪的肇事者。 Schultz argues that he feared lawmakers would politicize the findings, harming victims and some exonerated perpetrators. 批评者认为,Schultz试图避免审查并保护肇事者。 Critics argue that Schultz was trying to avoid scrutiny and protect perpetrators.